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During the typesetting course, you will learn to work on different presses, become wiser about mixing the ink, and be introduced to the sizing systems of hand-setting with lead and wooden letters. The instructor will encourage you to experiment, and your fellow students will undoubtedly give you new ideas. NEW: After the beginners’ course, you can continue with your own project at the advanced course.

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In the basic course, participants will be thoroughly explained the essential basics of letterpress printing. Ink and color use, the sizing system of lead letters, the importance of “kerning,” and the optimal use of presses.

Then you’ll be ready for the advanced course, in which everyone works on their own project. This course is supervised by printmaker/designer Francesca Patella who, with her enthusiasm, always manages to stimulate each participant to great creative heights.

After completion of the first course, you can also – with the teacher’s approval – use a stripping card to start working on your own with the dozens of drawers full of lead letters, with the collection of wood.

Nice to know: GWA features such unusual wooden letters as the multi-colored BIXA by NovoTypo, and the Arabic Kanat by Lara Captan. Welcome!

Letterpress weekend workshop

During the weekend letterpress workshop you will learn about different typesetting techniques and print posters and/or cards with wooden and lead letters.

A combination weekend of two of the most enjoyable techniques: during this workshop you will work with the wooden and lead letters on the letterpresses on Saturday, and on the intaglio presses with linoleum on Sunday.