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Etching is an intaglio printing technique. This means that only the lines, applied with a needle or burin in copper, plastic or zinc, are printed. After inking, you “knock off” the plate. The roller of the etching press then presses the ink back out of those lines, and onto the paper.

This course covers the dry needling technique and etching. Line etching is done “electrolytically” at GWA. This is a fairly revolutionary and environmentally friendly method of etching, which does not involve acids but produces peak results.

Instructor Ron Gillot worked on a new layout for the etching department, built a dust box for aquatint and perfected the electrolytic technique.

In addition to this basic course, GWA will be offering separate day workshops in aquatint in the near future.

Etchings: Gravure course – intensive dry needle, aquatint and line etching workshop for beginners and advanced students.