Dafi Kühne

in letterpress

In 2017 GWA invited Dafi Kuhne for the first time, in the light of a series masterclasses under the name Resist the Mac. Alan Kitching, Jim Sherraden and Kuhne came over for what turned out to be quite eclectical weekends of print. We asked Dafi to come back and do a different trick: teach us about your amazing computer-to-press-practice, and make us design AND print a poster in two days. And so he did. Starting with two zoom-sessions to pre-discuss the concepts, in the weekend of 20 and 21 november 2021 he descended from his mountains in Switzerland to show us the magic of the Dafi Kuhne show. 


This workshop took place at november 20 & 21, 2021

als onderdeel van ‘Een kwartje extra’, mogelijk gemaakt door

The participants were one by one pure letterpress- or silkscreen-addicts, and the majority of them practice for years what they preach. We will shortly introduce them: Adam Oostenbrink, illustrator and screenprinter, Tiny Risselada, letterpress-printer, Bjorn Willemsen, graphic addict, Sylver Joseph Bosch, artist and letterpress-enthusiast, Jette Klaartje Koster, letterpress-enthusiast, Ruud Huysmans, printer and illustrator and last but not least: Francesca Patella, letterpress printer and teacher at GWA,

During the Zoom-sessions we introduced ourselves and in the first one Dafi came with an upright assignment. The goal was to design a ‘minor-complaint’. That is, a poster that defines something you are sincerely annoyed about, but what is in fact a minor trouble. Nothing big, no politics, please!

Day one: sketch, sketch, sketch! Reduce, reduce, reduce. So many ideas, so little that work. But in the end… every single one of them was ready to go and print. But first, give it a good night of sleep.

Day two: ready to rock. The group nicely teamed up on the presses and helped each-other out with the pick of colors, the right paper and the accurate positioning. At three o clock Dafi became a bit nervewrecked to see that half of them was nearly half-finished, but hey, slow printing boy! We made it. At six o clock sharp we were ready for the open lecture, and to show the results of two days hard, hard work.

To find some more photo’s click here, to find the beautiful webshop and more info on Dafi click here